Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Multiple rundll32.exe instances


Recently I have been encountering multiple run32dll.exe instances in my taskmanager (windows 7). Of course I was alarmed and googling indicated a probable virus. I was almost sure that this was not the case on my machine, but better safe then sorry. Scans resulted nothing, which was as I expected.

It was time now to actually investigate what triggered the rundll32.exe. With process explorer I found out it was Chrome…. Aahaa… now I had more context for googling. It turns out that the current Chrome Canary version 9.0.583.0 (Official Build 66097) had this issue.

It seems it has already been fixed in the latest development build, see http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=64006

So if you are using Chrome Canary build and see a lot of rundll32.exe, then you know Smile

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Windows 7 Printer not printing


Sometimes Windows is not really helping when you never reboot. I like my Windows 7 Sony Vaio laptop, especially the hibernation function. Quick start everytime, but sometimes Windows need to be rebooted, especially when things are becoming slow or stop functioning. This week I had a problem during printing: I was unable to print, each time it failed. My guess was that the printer spooler got lost somewhere.

So a quick tip:

Open command prompt (with Administrative priviledges: right click on shortcut, select Run as Administrator):

Issue the following command:

net stop spooler

and then

net start spooler

Your printing issues will be gone (unless something is really messed up)

(for more info see this link)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Android development continued

Sometimes this Eclipse is killing me Smile After I added a menu.xml, it kept giving strange errors like, XML cannot be parsed, size 0, bla bla. I double checked the xml and couldn’t find any problems. So maybe it could have been an Eclipse issue, so I restarted it.

After restarting Eclipse, this time I got the message:

Unparsed aapt error(s)! Check the console for output. <ProjectName> Unknown Android Packaging Problem.

Checking the console, revealed no errors Sad smile What to do now. Again Google Fu learned me how to resolve this issue as follows:

Right-click on the error message in the Problems view, and deleting the error. Modify the xml for forcing a build and magically it worked.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Android development

After a long time not using Eclipse, I recently started it again to experiment further with Android development. 3 things came up, which I would like to share with you and what the fix is.



After creating a test Android project, the following error showed up:

ERROR: Unable to open class file <path>\gen\com\example\test\R.java: No such file or directory.

It seems that the java compiler cannot create this R.java. In order to fix this, do the following:

  1. Open Eclipse
  2. Open Window/Preferences
  3. Expand JAVA option
  4. Select Build Path
  5. Check the option "Project" and uncheck "folder" options
  6. Click on OK
  7. Restart eclipse IDE

These steps fixed my problems regarding this issue.




When trying to run the application, the following error came up:

An internal error occurred during: "Launching test".com/android/ddmlib/ShellCommandUnresponsiveException

The fix for this was to update the Android DDMS by going to Help -> Software Updates select the Android DDMS and press Update button.

I had updated the Android Development tools, but had forgotten to update the Android DDMS.




Unable to view manifest files from within Eclipse, when you open the main.xml

When you try to open an application's manifest file from within Eclipse, you might get an error such as this one:

An error has occurred. See error log for more details.

Try reverting to the 3.0 version of the Eclipse XML Editors and Tools. If this does not work, remove the 3.1 version of the tool. To do this in Eclipse 3.4:

  1. Select Help > Software Updates...
  2. Select the Installed Software tab.
  3. Select Eclipse XML Editors and Tools.
  4. Click Uninstall.
  5. Click Finish.
  6. When you restart Eclipse, you should be able to view the manifest files.

In my case, I just uninstalled them and it magically worked Smile


Hope these were useful for you if you encounter the same issue.