Thursday, September 30, 2010

Samsung Galaxy MTP keeps repeating “Initializing” when connected to USB

image I have been using a Samsung Galaxy for a few weeks now and it has been the best phone ever. I think Samsung has really got a phone which can blow away the iPhone (4) without any problems. After installing the voodoo fix for the lag issue, it has been extremely fast. Just now waiting for the Froyo (Android 2.2) release and my life will be complete :)

Anyway, today I connected my Galaxy to my PC, and for the first time something strange happened. The MTP application for KIES on the phone kept initializing. It tries to initialize but for some reason it dies and then the whole process starts all over again, actually funny to see. However this meant I was unable to access my phone from my PC. I needed some Google-fu. After a while I found the solution, it seems that if you have any files with an extension longer then 16 characters, the MTP application just looses it.

For me the solution was to start up my favorite file manager (ES File Explorer) and remove the TunnyBrowser folder. This folder is used by the Dolphin browser I have been using for a while now. If the issue still exists and you are using Soundhound try also removing the SoundHound cache folder. If this does not help, get your SD card out and search for files with long extensions.

Hope this helps if you have the similar issue

Thursday, September 2, 2010

FFMpeg and WMV conversion


Just a quick blog entry. When converting video files (avi, mpg, etc) to WMV to play on Windows or XBOX, you will need to make sure that the correct audio encoding (wmav2) is used. If not the video file will not play and you will probably get an error.


You can use the –acodec wmav2 switch in ffmpeg command parameter to enforce to correct audio encoding for WMV files.